"Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves." ~ rotary.org


What We Do

Our global network consists of over 35,000 clubs who believe in "Service Above Self."  We work together to:

  • Fight disease
  • Support education and literacy
  • Promote peace and conflict resolution
  • Provide clean water
  • And so much more!


A Brief History

"Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves." ~ Paul Harris, Rotary Founder

Paul Harris was a Chicago attorney.  He formed the first first Rotary Club of Chicago on February 23rd, 1905.  This club became a forum where people of all professions and backgrounds could share ideas, build relationships, and give something back to their community.  Now, over a century later, Rotary Clubs have been formed in communities across the globe.

One of Rotary's global missions since 1988 has been to eradicate polio from our planet.  Since 2013 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has matched every $1 Rotary commits to this goal 2-to-1.  We are nearly there!  "In 2016 fewer children were paralysed by polio than in any other year in history" as reported by the Polio Global Eradication initiative in their annual report.  Today, only a handful of new polio cases exist..  www.endpolio.org


Rotary In Our Local Community

The Paw Paw Area Rotary Club was founded on January 23rd, 1992. Our club of proud volunteers, local residents, and community leaders has played a major role in the fundraising and construction of the Maple Lake Amphitheatre as well as the Maple City Veterans Memorial Park.  We partner with the Michigan Avenue Academy to recognize a student of the month for their outstanding achievements.  We've been honored to assist the Great Lakes Burn Camp, Eleanor's Pantry, and many other local organizations in their endeavors.  We also host the annual 5k Santa Run through the snowy wonderland of downtown Paw Paw.

Our latest endeavor is to partner with Dolly Parton's Imagination Library to provide free books to kids age 0-5 years old.  Our goal is to promote literacy and family story time in an effort to better prepare children for school and life.


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